A recent article on the Bloomberg site examined a trend that's started in China: as the country is coming out of quarantine, its divorce rate has been rising sharply. As one might expect, time in close quarters can be a reminder of how incompatible you feel with your spouse and how much you are eager…
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Celebrate Valentine’s Day…with a Divorce
Valentine's Day is a holiday that revolves an often fictionalized image of love, including blind adoration and a lavish displays of affection. In a newspaper article I was interviewed for recently, I discussed a Valentine's Day trend that's much more realistic: getting divorced. As I mentioned in the article, I've had hundreds of clients file…
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Some thoughts on “Marriage Story”
For the last few weeks, the film "Marriage Story"--a new Netflix production about a marriage that's ending and a couple's divorce--has gotten positive reviews worldwide. It's a moving film, and very well-acted; it depicts many issues that frequently come in the midst of a divorce, especially a high profile or high net worth divorce: child…
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