Nationally and Internationally-Recognized Divorce and Family Lawyer

“…One of the 100 Most Powerful Lawyers in America”.  National Law Journal.

Chairman of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct.  This is the State Discipline commission that handles every complaint about any judge including even the ones in local courts in the State of New York.  It has the power to issue Orders removing judges from Office (which at the time the Chairman would have to sign to go into effect) or the Commission has the power to render other disciplines or find the Complaint without merit.  (Decisions and opinions of Mr. Felder has written available on the Commission’s website).

Assistant U.S. Attorney, Department of Justice, Special Assistant U.S. Attorney.

Graduate of New York University Law School.  Admitted to Bar in New York, Federal Courts Southern and Eastern District of New York, U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Appeals; (argued in U.S. Court of Appeals).

Admitted Pro Hoc Vice in other jurisdictions: including New Jersey, Missouri, Kansas, Connecticut, Florida and California.

Attended Faculty of Medicine [Medical School] University of Bern, Switzerland.

Attended NYU Law School.

JD Degree.

Honorary Degree of Fellow in Jurisprudence, Oxford University, Great Britain.

Recipient of the Defender of Jerusalem Medal presented personally by the Prime Minister of Israel at a ceremony.

Member of the Special Committee on Matrimonial Law of the Association of the Bar of the city of New York.

Founding Member International Academy of Matrimonial lawyers (Resigned).

Former Fellow in the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

Former Member and Chairman of the Matrimonial Law committee, New York State Trial Lawyers Association.


Author of a number of published books; three on divorce and Family law, (one for laymen and three for attorneys one of which became a standard reference work (53 updates), “Matrimonial Agreements” published by National Law Journal Press); a book on the art of negotiation, “Bare knuckled Negotiation” published in U.S. and Russia, recommended by President of the United States; well-received Memoire, “Reflections in a Mirror”; a volume of short stories “Dancers on a Dark Street”; three humor books, one published by Harper Collins; book on domestic violence “Getting Away with Murder” published by Simon and Shuster; short story (FDR and Me) published in Chicago Quarterly Review, a Literary Magazine.  Three books on Divorce: “The Good DivorceDivorce: The Way Things Are, Not the Way Things Should Be; and “Lawyers Practical Handbook to the New Divorce Law.  Also, author of op-ed pieces N.Y. Times, N.Y. Post, etc., authored many other articles published in other American Magazines and periodicals, two unpublished novels, 50,000 words into a third.

Monthly columnist for FAME magazine on the subject of personal and family legal matters; co-wrote columns that appeared weekly in New York DAILY NEWS Sunday Editions commenting on the O.J. Simpson case; authored the review of matrimonial law for the Centennial issue of the NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL; co-wrote a monthly column for the WASHINGTON TIMES and was a monthly columnist for GOTHAM MAGAZINE, also many published op-ed and other pieces in major Newspapers and Magazines including New York Times, New York Post and Newsweek Magazine Penthouse, mentioned in many books and TV shows (not News shows), etc.


Major American TV shows: 60 Minutes, 20/20, CBS Sunday Morning in America, Good Morning America ABC, Today Show NBC, Nightline, etc.  Appeared on all major National and Local TV News shows and many foreign TV shows (England, Germany, etc.) for interviews and Specials.  Mentioned by name in many published books referred to and in Major TV shows.

Mr. Felder is also a member of the original Board of Advisors for Court TV, was a weekly legal commentator on CNN on Sunday Nights and hosted The Felder Report on WLIW-TV.

Weekly co-host on the BRITISH BROADCASTING COMPANY [BBC] “The American Letter” for two and one-half years.

Host and moderator for a weekly nationally syndicated show on legal topics, as well as moderator of a show on legal topics broadcast on CABLEVISION, and a co-host on a weekly show on Public Television and cohost of a Radio Talk Show on public radio.  Frequent guest commentator on COURT TV.

Listed in all editions of WHO’S WHO IN AMERICAN LAW (Marquis & Co.), and other published “lists” of prominent lawyers in the field, also WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA, WHO’S WHO IN THE EAST, WORLD etc. (Mr. Felder never allowed being listed in publications-based of payment required for inclusion.

Named in article in the NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL as one of America’s One Hundred Most Powerful Lawyers.


Profiled in the American Bar Association Journal, Financial Times, TIME Magazine, New York times, Vanity Fair, Hollywood Reporter, cover of Theater Arts Magazine, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, People Magazine and other periodicals.  Also Profiled in the London Times, number of other stories in British Press, other European [Der Spiegel], U.S. papers; subject of a profiled in the NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL AND NEW YORKER MAGAZINE, (on New Yorker’s cover, there was a printed announcement of the article).

Mr. Felder has been consulted for opinions by lawyers and lay persons in matrimonial matters and Family Law matters in the United States, Europe, Mid and Far East and South America.

British Publication: “Spear’s 500” listed top lawyers in all fields in the UK “…based on Peer Nominations, client feedback, telephone and face-to-face interviews, data supplied by firms, as well as information gathered by the Spears Editorial and Research Teams.”  Only ten lawyers in America are on the List;    Mr. Felder appears at the top of the List.


Lectured and/or addressed at the New York County Lawyer’s Association, the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Harvard, Yale, Fordham Law Schools, etc., and many bar associations.  Society of Medical Jurisprudence.  Lectured at Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association in Texas; addressed Annual Dinner of New Jersey State Bar Association, speaker and finalist at 92nd Street “Y”, Oxford University and other groups.

  • Lectured both in and out of the City and State of New York; taught both lay and professional groups, lectured at various law schools.  Also lectured and taught as member of the faculty of the Ethical Culture School and Marymount College.
  • Chairman and Moderator of two different series of lectures for the New York State Trial Lawyers Association.


  • Child Abuse Prevention Services-Child Safety Institute
  • Crimebuster Award for “compassion and tireless advocacy on behalf of Crime Victims”
  • Shield Institute for Mentally Retarded
  • National Kidney Foundation
  • Brooklyn School for Special Children
  • The National Arts Club Award of Merit (photographic exhibit of work)
  • Defender of Jerusalem Medal personally presented by Israeli Prime Minister         Yitzhak Shamir
  • None of the above Awards (and have been requested by recipient).
  • Award from Brandeis Association and Catholic Lawyers Guild speaker at Annual Joint Meeting.
  • Chosen for entry into the Brooklyn Hall of Fame.
  • Recipient of many other awards from charitable, religious and other organizations or sources, Shield Institute for developmentally disabled children, Annual Dinner, guest of Honor Plaza Hotel.  Guest of Honor, and speaker at Annual testimonial Banquet, the Brooklyn School for Special Children at Waldorf Astoria.  Guest of Honor and speaker.  Metropolitan Jewish Center at Annual Dinner Plaza Hotel.


  • Judge, National Finals American Bar Association Client Counseling Competition
  • Appointed by Governor to State Commission on Child Abuse
  • New York City Host Committee for NBA
  • Board of Trustees, National Kidney Foundation
  • Member, Board of Directors: Hospital Audiences, Inc.
  • Past Member, Board of Directors, Big Apple Greeters
  • Board of Directors, Duke Ellington Memorial Fund
  • Appointed to Character and Fitness Committee for Bar Admissions by Appellate Court necessary step for Admission to Bar
  • Sworn in at One Police Plaza as Honorary Commissioner NYPD.
  • Member of Special Commission to investigate a major Museum (Chairman of Commission was former counsel to the President of U.S.).
  • Appointed by the Governor to the New York State Commission on Child Abuse.  Past Member, Board of Advisors to COP CARE, organization that deals with helping with the tragedy of police suicides.
  • NYC Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission.
  • Board of Directors of The New York City Economic Development Corporation.
  • New York State Commission on Domestic Violence.


  • The Ethical Culture School for Continuing Education
  • First Annual Two Day National Conference on Child Abuse [also Moderator]
  • Marymount College
  • Practicing Law Institute

Lectured at Oxford University (England) and also to a group of Members of Parliament at a presentation in the House of Commons Building.  Honored by various charitable organizations, law enforcement related organizations, religious groups, and professional groups.

Member of Board of Directors of Charitable Organizations: Cop Care (Tragedy of Police suicides), Minion of the Stars, Kidney Foundation Board of Trustees, Duke Ellington Memorial Fund, etc.

Chairman and Master of Ceremony, Madison Square Garden, “An Evening of Unity” A Concert with Israel Pops Symphony Orchestra, and Lionel Hampton with band in concert.

Co-starred in “The Trial of Hamlet produced by the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and the Globe Theater [England], playing the role of Prosecutor, event was at the House of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.  Also appeared in [non Legal topic] movies.

Speaker at the Washington Monument to audience of approximately 10,000 senior citizens coming to Washington from across the U.S. in support of universal Healthcare.

Principal speaker for Catholic League Rally in support of Mother Theresa at the Empire State Building.

Marshall at Annual Israeli Day Parade.

Guest Speaker and/or panel member at 92nd Street “Y” on a number of occasions.



The following are a partial list of clients limited because of requirements for confidentiality.  Some individuals on the following cases are labeled “anonymous” for obvious reasons but are of public interest.  However, those set forth below have already been previously mentioned in the media.  But, besides this, of course, there are many more cases of importance.


Rudolph Giuliani - when he was mayor and subsequent to 911 when his case continued.  He was voted TIME Magazine Man of the Year (cover).

Her Highness The Begum Aga Khan - wife of The Aga Khan.

David Merrick - biggest producer in the history of Broadway, on cover of TIME Magazine. Represented him in two different cases, one when he was a defendant in a divorce and one with a subsequent wife when he was plaintiff.

Riddick Bowe - Former world heavyweight boxing champion.

Broadway actress Carol Channing.

Elizabeth Taylor Divorce case represented husband.

Wife of Anthony Quinn, Movie & Stage Actor.

Mrs. Joseph Heller, Husband - Author “Catch 22”

Mrs. Tom Clancy, Husband world famous and best-selling Author “Hunt for Red October,” etc.

Claude Picasso, Pablo Picasso’s son - Divorce case and also civil jury trial, separate cases.

Protestant Bishop – Anonymous.

Well-known Rabbis – Anonymous.

Peter Max, Artist.

Richard Harris – Movie Actor.

Mrs. Alan Jay Lerner – Husband, Composer My Fair Lady, etc.

David Guest - Husband of Lisa Minnelli.

Wife of Johnnie Cochran, Lawyer for O.J. Simpson in his murder case.

Stephanie Seymour – Supermodel, wife of Huntington Hartford A & P Heir.

Alex Wildenstein, Art Dealer.  Noted by New York Post in a news story about Bill Gates as the Wildenstein case being “one of the six most expensive divorces ever.”

While still Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World Mike Tyson divorce, Givens v. Tyson - represented wife Robin Givens.

Successfully representing in court - Ethel Scull the “Mom” of Pop art resulting in success and the largest auction ever of Pop art at Sotheby’s.

Brian DePalma, Movie Director.

Mrs. Martin Scorcese, Husband is the Movie Director.

Evening Talk Show Host Johnny Carson’s former wife.

Wife of “Crazy Eddie”. Antar

American Ambassadors.

James Gandolfini, Actor.

Hon. Daphne Guinness [English]

Peter Beard and Cheryl Tiegs, Supermodel, represented Peter Beard.

Sol Goldman, largest individual real estate owner in NYC: Chrysler Building; Plaza Hotel, etc.

Wife of World-famous Astronomer and space scientist Carl Sagan

Diane Hartford - Wife of Huntington Hartford A & P Heir

TV Anchor persons and their Spouses

Mrs. Patrick Ewing (wife of Basketball Star)

Consulted as an expert by the United States Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Department of Justice [Witness Protection Program].

Two American Ambassadors – anonymous

Russian Oligarch.

Wives of Saul Steinberg – Billionaire “Corporate Raider”.

Wife of National Baseball Commissioner (Anonymous).

Various members of Royalty.

Co-counseled with and consulted with or against some of the best-known lawyers in America: Johnnie Cochran (O.J. Simpson’s case), Alan Dershowitz, Marvin Michelson, Anthony Julius, (Principal attorney for Princess Diana in her divorce) The Baroness Fiona Shacketon (Prince Charles’ lawyer) Roy Cohn, Harry Lipsig (legendary tort lawyer), etc.

Paternity Cases (Partial List) involving

Mike Tyson.

Tom Jones.

Frank Sinatra, Jr. (Frank Sinatra’s son)

Desi Arnaz, Jr. (Lucille Ball’s son).

Liam Gallagher - Lead singer of group, Oasis.

Peter O’Toole (Laurence of Arabia).

Mick Jagger – entertainer.

Mother of Basketball Player Paul George’s child.

Anonymous Entertainers, famous athletes, royalty, musicians and very famous Rapp Artists.

Other representations (Partial List) of Non-Matrimonial nature

Duke Ellington, American Composer, Musician, Performer, Orchestra Leader - world famous

Represented NYPD Police Commissioner – Anonymous – Defamation case.

and represented other members of a Mayor’s Administration - Anonymous.

Mary-Lou Williams – famous female jazz pianist – (Defamation Case).

Bobby Short.  Represented for forty years, International Entertainer.

Claude Picasso, Son of Pablo Picasso, Civil Action (Jury trial).  Non Matrimonial (won case).

Bernard Cantor, [Cantor Fitzgerald, Global Financial firm], Philanthropist, owner of largest collection of Rodin’s Works in the World, owned private Museum of Rodin’s works that were located in the World Trade Center.

Iris Vanderbilt, descendant of Commodore Vanderbilt, also executor of her Estate.

Wife of J.P. Morgan Jr.

David Merrick Guardianship – represented David Merrick Broadway’s Largest Producer (on cover of TIME Magazine) and Estate of Damon Runyon “Guys and Dolls” – and Damon Runyon Jr.

Attorney for Petitioner, in the Dreyfus (“Lion of Wall Street) Guardianship Proceeding, New York Post referred to it as “…a sensational court fight”.

Former Mrs. Norman Mailer [The Author].

Attorney for Detective Endowment Assoc., [NYPD Detective’s Union].

Attorney for National Arts Club (Real Estate and Ownership Rights).

Alex Wildenstein (World famous art galleries) aside from his divorce case – in separate representation.

Robert Atkins MD., Author of #1 Best Selling book in America, “Doctor Atkin’s Diet Revolution”.

Sharon Bush – only American to be daughter-in-law of one president and sister-in-law of another president.

Interesting Representation:

Trial in custody cases representing surviving families of two murdered wives.

Diane Pikul - Husband, Joseph Pikul convicted of 1st degree murder.  Another case referred to as “The Chloroform Murder case”.  Both cases tried with successful conclusion.

Sol Goldman – largest individual Real Estate owner in New York – not a divorce case.

Various Federal Criminal cases as Federal prosecutor opposing noted criminal lawyers.

First “Palimony” style trial in Federal Court.  Resulting trial ended successfully.

Consulted in hostage cases: South American Diplomat – dealt with family and UN Delegate.  And also, by a son of a major American family who had been a hostage, as well as the former wife of a Dictator and employed by another Dictator for representation of family member.

Austin Young: civil case of pilot while being imprisoned on the Isle of PINES by Fidel Castro

Consulted or represented various members of Royalty.

Consulted in labor, business and political disputes and/or problems.

Represented many of major newspapers writers, columnists, television personalities, anchor people.

Contact us today