Category Archives: Common Law Marriage

Connect To Those In Need This Holiday Season!

When I went to medical school, I decided I had to learn German. I bought the first German textbook I could lay my hands on and thought I would translate the book and, by the end of the book, I would be able to understand German. It turned out this book was a medical text…
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January is Divorce Month

January is the month that divorce lawyers all around America wait for. It is not like a January white sale – there are no discounts. In January the Christmas season is over and, of course, the presents have been exchanged, so there is no financial reason not to wait any further but, more realistically, the…
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If you are going to marry a celebrity, think twice, or maybe three or four times. If you are married to a celebrity, don’t bother ordering any three-minute eggs. There are inherent built-in problems in celebrity marriages, but some very few, like Paul Newman’s, go the distance. The underlying problem is that when you marry…
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Mother’s Day

Mothers travel the landscape of life starting as the centerpiece of our lives to becoming the butts of jokes (in the history of the world were there ever father-in-law jokes?), to becoming a final way station on the road to endless nothingness: a place where grown children make obligatory visits with squalling broods of grandchildren…
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