A recent article in The London Times in discussed what it called “pet-nup”—in other words, a prenuptial agreement that includes plans for what will happen to a couple’s pets if the marriage ends. I’ve written about this issue before on this blog. It’s an issue I’ve seen in many, many divorces-- in high net worth…
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Some thoughts about gay marriage
As LGBTQ Month came to an end, it's worth focusing on same sex marriage...and, inevitably, same sex divorces, custody disputes, separations, and pre- and post-nuptial agreements. With the legalization of gay and lesbian marriages, all these have come into play, and are on the rise. Many gay and lesbian couples enter into marriage with joy…
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Prenuptial Agreements: Everything you wanted to know in the middle of the night but have nobody to ask. (Part I)
Periodically (and hopefully it will be very frequently), there will be articles posted. They will all be on topics that have to do with divorce or relationships between people. The first post will be about Prenuptial Agreements. We will, in a later posting, deal with various other kinds of Agreements in marriages or relationships: Separation,…
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