Valentine's Day is a holiday that revolves an often fictionalized image of love, including blind adoration and a lavish displays of affection. In a newspaper article I was interviewed for recently, I discussed a Valentine's Day trend that's much more realistic: getting divorced. As I mentioned in the article, I've had hundreds of clients file…
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Poetic advice
There's a well-known proverb that says, "Do right and fear no man, don't write and fear no woman." They're certainly words to live by...and I've been thinking about them lately with the recent release of more than a thousand letters that T.S. Eliot wrote to Emily Hale, a longtime friend who many Eliot scholars have…
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Pet Pre-Nups
A recent article in The London Times in discussed what it called “pet-nup”—in other words, a prenuptial agreement that includes plans for what will happen to a couple’s pets if the marriage ends. I’ve written about this issue before on this blog. It’s an issue I’ve seen in many, many divorces-- in high net worth…
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